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  • Facebook
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Facebook hosts billions of active users every day, making it one of the best platforms to reach your customers! Dominate this popular social media channel with our expert Facebook Ads agency today!

As a digital ad agency, we are a performance-driven team of certified marketers dedicated to helping you generate a strong ROI for your business. Reach out to us now and start leveraging this powerful platform.

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Social Media Management

Dodonpa Media offers both a monthly social media management package and a customized package tailored to your business needs. Our MarketingGurus can help build your Facebook presence from scratch and optimize your current account.

Our Facebook Management services include:

  • Setting marketing strategy goals

  • Defining or redefining target audience

  • Creating content strategy and schedule

  • Creating and launching marketing content

  • Providing analytics reports and KPIs

Content Marketing

When it comes to engaging on Facebook, content is KING! We will identify your business goals, target audience, and what engages them most. A content strategy plan will be created to engage and convert your audience.

Content distribution management will be implemented on your page to grow new followers and engage all your audience!

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KPI and Reports

No matter the Facebook marketing strategy being enforced, metrics determine whether the strategy works. We will craft a monthly report to visualize the progress of your business page.

The metrics we look at include impressions, reach, clicks, shares, Facebook referral traffic, and more. These metrics are crucial for determining how the Facebook strategy needs to be adjusted or improved for the next sprint.



We help set up your Facebook business account or audit and optimize your existing account.

Social Media Strategy

By collaborating closely with your brand, understanding your audience and goals, we will craft an SMM strategy to enhance engagement and drive conversions.

Schedule Posting

We create engaging content and schedule posts based on the optimal active times of your target audiences.


To ensure our online marketing efforts are effective, we rely on data metrics to visualize our marketing performance.

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