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Google is the largest platform for advertising, with billions of daily visitors. Google Ads is among the most effective marketing strategies to reach a vast audience and convey your messages.

As a Google Ads Agency, we specialize in promoting your business on Google through strategic ad campaigns and SEO optimizations, ensuring a strong return on investment (ROI)

Increase your ROI with a Google Ads Agency

Get a Proposal

Reach Out To The Right Audiences

Formerly known as Google AdWords, Google Ads encompasses a variety of advertising options across Google platforms. It extends beyond search engine marketing, offering PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising through search, display, video, and app channels.

Today, Google Ads stands as the premier online advertising medium, capable of driving instant traffic and delivering measurable business results. Our advertising agency specializes in Google Ads PPC management services, ensuring rapid growth in quality visitors, brand recognition, and revenue.

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Advertise with the Leading Google Ads Agency

Dodonpa Media is Bangkok's premier Google Ads Agency, trusted by clients across diverse industries. Our certified experts collaborate closely with you to determine the most effective ad types for your business.  As a Google Partner in Thailand, we ensure your ads are strategically set up for optimal performance.


Google Ads requires a precise strategy and expert execution, and our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a tailored proposal!

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Extend your reach and stay ahead of the compettition

Target your audience using Google's advertising platforms.

Search Ads

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Reach people searching for your chosen keywords with search advertising. Search ads appear at the top of Google's search results page.

Display Ads

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Utilize Google's network of websites to promote your business through various advertising formats such as text, images, or video banners.

Video Ads

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Display your ads to new customers on YouTube, the best video advertising platform for creating a positive brand impression.

App Ads

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Leverage mobile advertising to target audiences on Google platforms such as YouTube and Google Play.

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